I'm not a fan of April Fools Day, generally, but hey, other people are, and that's fine as long as it's not mean-spirited. It's when it gets cruel that I've a problem with it. That said, I shall be spending most of my day rolling my save versus disbelieve which isn't a hell of a lot of fun for someone who already has trust issues. Just saying.
Last night was pretty wonderful. Dane is a big fan of They Might Be Giants and well...they were in town last night. So, off we went to the show. I had a lot of fun. We haven't been out to see a live music event in years. Largely, the shows just cost too damned much to bother with.[1] This one was old skool. The tickets were $25. And strangely...they sold out Stubb's BBQ. Go figure. [gasp] There were whole families there. It was great. The lead singer even looked up into the super expensive balcony area with it's private bar and said, "I'd like to welcome the 1% to the show. Feel the Bern!" Hehehehehe. Every time I think about how insane rock culture has become I think of that quote from Almost Famous: "And then it just becomes an industry of... cool." Frankly, my (inner?) GenX cynic kicked in about seven years ago when I finally saw the music industry had ceased to be about the artists and their work. It's all about how much venues can charge, and how many bands they can cram on a stage at once so people can buy t-shirts saying they've been in the same place with all the bands listed. Meh. Anyway...the They Might Be Giants show was a blast. They performed the entire Flood album in reverse order, and ended the show with the introduction which was just funny. I really like those guys. Oh, and Dane bought his first ironic trucker hat because the merch booth was out of the t-shirts in his size. He can no longer complain about ironic clothing statements...well...not in front of me, anyway. ------------------------------------------------------- [1] There's nothing like spending $100 or more for a ticket and staring at some big drunk dude's back the entire time while sweating my ass off. Yeah. I feel sorry for those who are shorter than I am. They've no hope of seeing a damned thing. Me? I'm just tall enough that I hold close the dream some jackass isn't going to stand directly in front of me without so much as a glance back. Ultimately, I'm better off buying the music and listening at home. It makes me less cranky, and doesn't take the fun out of it for others.
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March 2023