Today's post is about Captain Marvel and why I'm done with fans 'shipping every single female character at every damned opportunity.
The full Daughter of Feminist Monday post is up over on my Patreon. Supporters get the full entry, but here's the first paragraph.
In case you didn't notice during all the fuss about the US nearly going to war because a geriatric mobster with serious emotional and cognitive issues decided it'd be a great day to murder someone in a foreign country and then threaten to commit war crimes.[1] Virginia is set to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.[2] The United States lags far, far behind its peers when it comes to women's rights.And if you think the ERA is unnecessary, consider this from the CNN article at the previous link: "Only 32 constitutions do not include an explicit gender equality guarantee. The U.S. Constitution is one of them. Though parts of the Constitution -- like the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment -- may appear to protect women, even Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has said this isn't the case." So, no. The ERA is not redundant. Japanese women now had more rights than their American counterparts. Even Afghanistan's constitution includes equal rights provisions for women. (It's not enforced, but it is there and provides a future path to that end.) This weekend a popular Thriller author claimed that women can't fight. This week, Daughter of Feminist Monday is my reply.
March 2023