Sorry about that. I need to make my own graphic for Head-Bee Day. I like bees, generally. I just don't like the faux bees that sometimes nest in my head. The nice thing is, we know the cause. There is a preventative treatment that doesn't involve brain-altering drugs. It's just expensive. (Of course.) So, it's taking some time to arrange. But soon, I won't have to worry about head-bees for six months to a year. Yay!
Enough about that. So, here's the big news: I've signed a new contract for a new novel with Saga Press/Simon and Schuster. It's a Feminist SF and the working title is Persephone Station. The genre influences will be Space Opera, Westerns, Heist, and a touch of Northern Irish Crime. All the main characters will be women--mostly women of color. It's a new direction for me, but I definitely wanted to do something different. I enjoy fresh challenges. I know I can write interesting male characters. It's past time for me to get equally comfortable with interesting female characters. Also, I've always wanted to write SF. I just didn't feel I was ready to try. Well, I'm ready now, damn it. goes. Wish me luck. :)
Good afternoon, y'all. Sorry I'm late. I've been writing and dealing with a fresh round of medical appointments. Nothing serious. Just getting some neck injections for the migraines. Since those seem to work really well, I'm going in for the big guns. This means I'll be migraine free for almost a year. (I'm down with that. It's hard to think when the head bees come for a visit.) Anyway, here are today's videos.
March 2023