I've been wondering about what scientists are doing about Climate Change for a while--since, you know, they all agree that it's a thing and that human beings are the cause and our politicians are dragging their feet to say the least. I've heard a few stories on NPR that gave me some hope, but it seems those options are risky at best. And that would be why I'm hearing so little about us science-ing that shit. [sigh] Well, at least they're looking into it. For some reason, that makes me feel far more hopeful than if they weren't. You know? I guess I don't have much faith in voters bouncing out the GOP on its greedy, fascist, faith-based ass in time for some real action in the States--let alone the rest of the world. Still, I'll cross my fingers, and eat mostly vegetarian to counter-balance my husband's meat-eating. Still, here's a year-old article on Forbes stating that in 2014 CO2 Emissions flatlined. However, it seems that 2015 seems to have stuck with that trend. That's good news. I suspect that has a great deal to do with the sorry state of the fossil fuel industry at the moment. My hope is that it continues to suck for all our sakes. While it stinks for Texas's economy...it's a very good thing for the risk of the planet. And really, I'm sick of hearing about how Texas is so fucking independent, and the rest of the nation is bringing it down. As I've said before, that's a load of selfish, short-sighted bull crap. Electric cars are quite the popular thing around here. And I'm always happy to see more of them, but the industry doesn't quite have the support structure in place. Hopefully, that'll change soon. We need for cars to go electric. Yes. The muscle car enthusiast is saying this.
And this is where you ask me what I think of Teslas? Love them. They worry me with their hack-ability factor...but they're so much fun. They are Kitt made real. Who wouldn't want that?
All was well...and then four days of migraines. What the hell, brain? [sigh] At least I had a long streak (7 days) of good, right? Progress. And Blackthorne is still moving along nicely. Viktor, scout, spy, and sneaky dude extraordinaire is indulging in his usual mouthiness to Nels's dismay. Ilta and Suvi are merrily plotting together, and I like where that's headed. Dylan and Dar are all about sailing into trouble because they're bad asses. (I love making the gay dudes the example of the happy-well-adjusted couple for a change.) And well, Blackthorne is out-brooding Nels and soon will be slicing up everyone's minions into little pieces. (It's kind of what he does.) They've all been surprising me too. Always a good thing. Man, I'm still happy with how that's going. This is the longest streak of happy I've had regarding work in...well...a couple of years. I don't know how long my Inner Critic is going to be on vacation, but she can merrily do so for the foreseeable future. I hope she's having a lovely time, wherever she is. Also? The Inspiration Fairy™ slammed me in the shower this morning.[1] (Her favorite place to sprinkle me with ideas. I'll try not to read anything into that.) Gods, I love my job. I really do.
In other news, I'm reading Escapology by Ren Warom, enjoying the hell out of it, and you're not because it doesn't come out until this summer. Nyah. Nyah. So far, it's making me think Awesome Cyberpunk, as it'd would've been if it'd not been completely over-run with CIS Het White Dudes. (Not the quote I'm going with.) In other words, Oh hells to the yes you should be reading this novel this summer. This is that SF bunny I've been waiting for. The one where the women in it aren't Fighting Fuck Toys™, and POV trans characters are in it, and...and... good old fashioned cyberpunk fun. Did I mention I'm a huge Bladerunner fan, and thus, love cyberpunk? That.
[1] She makes me think of Carol Kane for some strange reason.
The Inspiration Fairy™ is not the same creature as my muse, the Drill Sergeant:
It's probably best not ask why my muses are so violent...
That moment when you realize that you've been walking around with your shoulders in your ears and been so tense and in so much pain that when you're not any more your friends at the dojo say, "Wow. You're practically glowing in a good and happy way. What happened?" Yeah. Muscle relaxants and your local Stina. It's a good thing. Also? The manuscript is busy being wonderful. I've never been this happy with a story at the half-way mark before. Every manuscript is different. This one's been an absolute bitch... until now. Now, it's a joy and the pieces are flowing together like water. I love when the writing is like this. I love it with every fiber of my being. Yesterday, my sister took me out to dinner for my birthday. (The very last of the birthday celebrations. I promise.) We used to go out to the bookstore and then dinner about once or twice a month, but we both got busy and life stepped in...like it does. Anyway, she's moving away to Houston this summer. (Boo. It's necessary, and ultimately a good thing for her. She's going to be so happy. But...boo.) Anyway, we're squeezing in some time before she leaves. She bought me a copy of Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older. I adore the cover. I could so have a print of it on my office wall--if there were any space left. That, is an amazing cover, y'all. She's so bad ass. Even if I hadn't read his other novels and loved them, I'd have totally picked that up. Anyway, I can't wait to read it. After BookPeople (my favorite bookstore named with a Ray Bradbury reference) we went to Z'Tejas which is one of my sister's favorite restaurants. You know what? It used to be good. Now? It mostly sucks. It's just sad because it's an old Austin staple. Sadly, we didn't get to go inside Fortney's which is one of my very favorite junque stores. I adore that place. Anyway, it was fun even if I kept wanting to get back to re-writing Blackthorne. :)
I hope your Friday is equally awesome. My husband and I have vastly different opinions when it comes to dolls. I love them. He hates them. I collect different types and keep most of them in my office. I've a Barbie collection--yes, I said Barbie. My (now complete) collection consists of The Addams Family, The Munsters, Tippi Hedren, Bewitched, and I Dream of Jeannie. I've also The Gentlemen from Buffy, a vintage Beetlejuice, a vintage Cryptkeeper, a Lenore doll, a vintage Pebbles (not in that great of shape because she was mine when I was 4 or 5 years old), some early series Living Dead Dolls, and a whole slew of action figures. I have one Japanese Ball Joint doll that was a gift. I love those things. I'd have more, if I could afford them. And I'd love one of Wendy Froud's dolls. Yeah. Not so much. :) Anyway, you should be sensing a theme...I love creepy dolls. I just do. So, I was so happy to find this today. That is some AMAZING work. And so that gives me an excuse to unleash this on you too: It is not the World of Smiles: Enchanted NSFW Dolls by Marina Bychkova. Aren't those incredible?
So, after an extensive chat with a neurologist yesterday...it seems my neck is responsible for a whole series of health issues, including the "tennis elbow" from a few years ago. It may even be the primary reason for the migraines. It's certainly the main suspect on the murder board. Oh, body. I thought we came to an understanding after that coup you attempted in 2002/2003? I am the beneficent dictator in this scenario. This is not a democracy. There will be no voting. As the Patrician, I'll take care of you as best I can, and you will shut the fuck up because scorpion pit. Or something. Yeah, yeah. I know. But a girl needs her illusions. At least the migraines are dramatically decreasing to one a week. Also? You know you're a former Catholic when you're repeatedly asked about pain and you can't pinpoint when any of it started--because you've been suffering in silence for who knows how long like that frog in the boiling pot. And? You don't feel that horrible pain you've been ignoring for who knows how long until people start giving you permission to feel it. Yeah. That. (No wonder my dojo-mates keep giving me shit about being a Daredevil fan.)
That Chumbawamba track could be my fucking theme-song. And that exasperated "WTF?!" look on Claire Temple's face? That's Dane all over, y'all. LOL.
In other news, I've a reading scheduled for May 5th at Malvern Books in Austin, TX. Hopefully, I'll be seeing some folks there because it's boring reading aloud to yourself. Trust me on this. It will run from 7pm to 8pm. Also? Those Blackthorne rewrites are rocking along nicely...you know...when my work day isn't totally tanked by doctor's visits. Grrr. This morning I came across this bit of news: Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World's Super-Rich. Yeah. [points to self] do you see this color? This is the color of me not being surprised. Remember all those years of media going on about how "trickle-down economics" was the way the world worked? How the super-rich were job-creators and therefore, deserved to pay fewer taxes/more of the share of wealth? How we're all part of this fabulous world economy now and that businesses should be multi-national conglomerates for the betterment of all the world's economies. Monopolies? Pfft! We need those. Shipping jobs out of the country to cheaper[cough]slave[cough] labor markets was the way of the future! Remember the talk about how we shouldn't pick the pockets of business via taxes and cost of living increases and minimum wage rate hikes and regulations because they're working so hard for that cash, and gee. they create jobs? Because people with tons of money put that back into the economy? Yeah. That. Being a contrarian and well...a GenXer, my inner cynic instantly smelled a rat. Every time I heard that bullshit, I thought of Upton Sinclair and all the other brave journalists and writers who helped bring down that same system in the Gilded Age.[1] And when the economic system began to give off warning signs, the Republicans ignored it. "Just tighten up those belts, boys and girls, and the magical Capitalism Fairy will come to your rescue." Well, just look at how that's working out for everyone. Not so good, is it? Rich people stay rich because they save money. They. Do. Not. Spend. It. --------------------------------------------------------
[1] Read the description. Any of that sound remotely familiar? Yeah. That. So, yesterday, I read a great post with the starter question, "What female SFF character affected you the most as a kid?" And I decided it'd be fun to step away from the wall of links today and write my answer. It's two-fold. I also wanted to talk about the legacy that some of these characters left on me.
Alabama governor in sex scandal, possibly criminal, said to have purchased multiple 'burner' phones. Come on. If politics were a literary genre, people would be reacting to the "Christian politician" marketing brand like they do sparkly vampires.
Why Twitter Represents Everything Wrong With America Today. A well-written, thoughtful article about the problems with algorithms deciding what is important to you...among other things. My favorite quote from the piece: "Personally, I think America would be a lot better [off] if Wall Street was less full of greedy cancerous fuckwits willing to destroy companies so long as they get a paycheck today, and more populated with people who understood that businesses have different needs, and some unsexy businesses can make steady profits without funding yachts filled with cocaine-encrusted hookers." And I think that fits more than merely Twitter's business model.
Last night, Dane and I finished out the last episode of Daredevil season 2. That was amazing. Enjoyed the hell out of it.[1] Electra features strongly, and even though she's supposed to be this magical, deadly creature...well...I had some quibbles with how her part in the plot went. I'm pleased with her costume for the most part. It was nice that she wore sensible shoes, and hey, actual shirts and pants. but what was with the sleeveless crap? Dane kept telling me that progress was being made. At least she was wearing armor that covered the important bits, mostly. I had to agree. At one point I told Dane, "I've never gotten the point of sai. What is that even for?" Dane said, "I'll show you at the commercial break." I nodded, and we continued watching. When the time came, he got up and went to his man-cubby and begin digging around. I went to go see what he doing in time for him to produce two sai. I said, "What the fuck, ninja boy?! We have sai in the house, and I didn't know it?" He just grinned and handed me the bokken. He said, "Now, swing that at me." So, I did, and he showed me what was useful about sai. Yeah. Welcome to our house. The place where a samurai enthusiast and a ninja enthusiast live together.
After the final Daredevil episode ended, we watched the Luke Cage trailer. I CAN'T F-ING WAIT. I love Luke Cage, and that actor is not only great...he's totally hot. ;) When that ended Dane muttered something about the new Preacher series coming this summer. Que the sound of a record scratching...
I'm not a fan of April Fools Day, generally, but hey, other people are, and that's fine as long as it's not mean-spirited. It's when it gets cruel that I've a problem with it. That said, I shall be spending most of my day rolling my save versus disbelieve which isn't a hell of a lot of fun for someone who already has trust issues. Just saying.
Last night was pretty wonderful. Dane is a big fan of They Might Be Giants and well...they were in town last night. So, off we went to the show. I had a lot of fun. We haven't been out to see a live music event in years. Largely, the shows just cost too damned much to bother with.[1] This one was old skool. The tickets were $25. And strangely...they sold out Stubb's BBQ. Go figure. [gasp] There were whole families there. It was great. The lead singer even looked up into the super expensive balcony area with it's private bar and said, "I'd like to welcome the 1% to the show. Feel the Bern!" Hehehehehe. Every time I think about how insane rock culture has become I think of that quote from Almost Famous: "And then it just becomes an industry of... cool." Frankly, my (inner?) GenX cynic kicked in about seven years ago when I finally saw the music industry had ceased to be about the artists and their work. It's all about how much venues can charge, and how many bands they can cram on a stage at once so people can buy t-shirts saying they've been in the same place with all the bands listed. Meh. Anyway...the They Might Be Giants show was a blast. They performed the entire Flood album in reverse order, and ended the show with the introduction which was just funny. I really like those guys. Oh, and Dane bought his first ironic trucker hat because the merch booth was out of the t-shirts in his size. He can no longer complain about ironic clothing statements...well...not in front of me, anyway. ------------------------------------------------------- [1] There's nothing like spending $100 or more for a ticket and staring at some big drunk dude's back the entire time while sweating my ass off. Yeah. I feel sorry for those who are shorter than I am. They've no hope of seeing a damned thing. Me? I'm just tall enough that I hold close the dream some jackass isn't going to stand directly in front of me without so much as a glance back. Ultimately, I'm better off buying the music and listening at home. It makes me less cranky, and doesn't take the fun out of it for others. |
March 2023